“Seljord and the legends” is a
local development project commissioned by Seljord municipality. The
project proposes a strategy where art, architecture, landscape and
cultural experiences are key elements in supporting and potentially
increasing the local economy. “Seljord and the legends” aims to meet its
target by focusing on interdisciplinary cooperation, contributions from
local organisations and long-term planning.
“Into the Landscape” is a sub-prosject to "Seljord
and the legends". We wish to exhibit the landscape by adding simple
architectural constructions and pieces of art to it. Seljord and upper
Telemark has a rich story-telling tradition that is still alive today.
This immaterial cultural heritage is important for the understanding and
experience of our surrounding landscape. The starting point of the
project was therefore to map the places associated with local stories
and legends. These maps have proved important tools in the later
developments of the project. "Into the landscape" is based on the
philosophy that the place is developed through a sustainable approach.
This is achieved by finding the simple, but effective solutions that
make a big difference. We employ an interdisciplinary work method, where
all parties are heard throughout the whole process.