Designed By : Lolo Majed Ali Al-Eide
University : Yanbu University College for Women
Level : 3
Year : 2
Design Info :
Secrets, a bookstore inspired by Magic and classic old english like in harry potter's movie. The store is filled with mechanisms to exahust the idea of magic tricks. The Facade has a part where half of the oversized books serves as a seating for customers and half as a display from the inside. The facade also greets the customer with an accessible pop-up book display. The walls are covered with moving shelves that mimicks a 9 square puzzle with moving shelves.The 2 volume wall is filled with pictures and painting that talks and observes you when you're near. The first floor is a quiet space for reading and coffee.
Designer could be contacted via email :
Mentor : Lecturer Nurnasriah Nasir