The study of shape is started by boundary element analysis: North a sharp slider axis from which lag behind bit and protected, to the East and South of the road that divides the lot from built in Grugliasco with whom you can talk and West existing school buildings separated by via Creates that currently is a medium-scale road but in future plans (plan of Course brands of Cagnardi) will be a strong axis of connection between the Turin metropolitan area and the city centre. Light and noise were the two binding elements for the design: the application of new technologies that offer the ability to achieve in most cases u n good building from the point of view of thermal performance requirements, the study of natural light and noise immunity is strictly task skill of the designer.It turned out so right away from the main noise source represented by corso Allamano through an interposed plant barriers, opening the Court to the inside of the batch to create greater sense of protection and isolation from the heavily urbanized environment. The study of sunshine proved right: the South fronts are open at the entrance of solar radiation through large Windows, screen shots from a polymer coating specially designed to control the release of radiation and thermal component to avoid glare and excessive sunshine during the summer months. The North faces, by contrast, are more closed to reduce heat loss in winter and fully coated with laminated wood panels that feature high-density ventilated. The great openings of sleeves are arranged in such a way as to promote cross ventilation in warmer periods at the end of the day, with the purpose to cool of course environments and does not impact too much on energy requirements for air conditioning.