Fragmented and small build able site yet abundance of land on sea front:
Various functions like movement, visibility, services are aligned across a common linear axis. Junior school court, senior school courts are connected across the axis with common spaces.
Sequence of activities in student’s day are reflected in plan layout. The axis connects the dense academic block with library at one end to the open land in front of sea.
The whole institution is raised to a higher level and is built on stilts for free flow of sea waves during high tides through the open spaces between the stilts. Thus the force of sea water is being complimented instead of being resisted.
Response to the harsh climate:
The form and shape of the built form compliments the Temperature, Humidity, Sun movement, Wind direction. The building is built like an insulated box with a secondary skin to keep it in shape at all times. The corridors and screens are provided accordingly in the residential and academic blocks. Vent shaft along with metal flute stimulates air circulation during still condition. Tree plantation is maximized to create cooler environment.
Access road and its position:
Road to village is used as main access. The bridge over the road at second floor would allow the school link yet allow the traffic below.
Expansion for future needs:
Some land left out at the end academic area to accommodate future growth. Landscape will be completed in the 1st phase so as to have mature growth of trees by the time extension is considered.
Involvement of village:
Educational support to the village - Some part of the school building used as school for village in after hours
Creating employment for the village. Sports facility opened out to the village.