"I just want to make my last demand in reverence to the work of what has been done by architects of the past. What was, has always been. What is, has always been. And what will be, has always been. Such is the nature of beginning." (Louis I. Kahn)It is very necessary to respect all complicated historic and urban relationships in competition perimeter. The monuments of architecture of nazism lost its purpose. During the historic evolution obtained different context and significanty. The fascistic ideas are dead. Olympic area in Berlin comes back to live thanks to negation of these ideas. That also means ACCESS FOR ALL. We formulate our concept in reverence to the work of what has been done by architects of the past. We build the new, very different generation of ideas but we still respect the dramatic history of this location. We conserve Glockenturmstrasse - it is converted to a square which is concepted like a museum space, an historic exhibition. We also conserve Waldbühne and Glockenturm like a fossil monument of the past. The new urban design areas organic intergrow these monuments, undulate the terrain, import new axis and urbanistic relations, bring new qualities but keep all existing, mostly sports functions. We connect the Waldbühne with Pichelsberg Station. We don't include the existing sport halls in our concept because they don't have any contextual sense. We hide them into the park. It is possible to change usage of this green area for the next urban development in the future.The Pichelsberg station and Waldbühne are connected very simply by the shortest way. There is a platform above Pichelsberg station. The passengers of S-Bahn can relax there by waiting for the train. The platform is used like a filter between transit area and park, and reduces density of people in the case of any action in Waldbühne. The platform is connected by stairs, 6 elevators and 2 escalators with the S-bahn stattion and with the Ice Sport Stadium too.We are working with horizontal and vertical direction system.Horizontal system: tactile contrast, lines and indicators in the floor etc.Vertical system: trees, lamps, forest corridors and paths etc.All main walkways in the competition perimeter has guidance system for the blind people - tactile floor indicators, attention fields at change of direction and at street crossings.Colors of Olympic rings are used for navigation system in the whole area - also for graphic marks, symbols, maps, plans and targetsAll new buildings in competition perimeter are constructed and maintained in such a way that they can be accessed by people with disabilities, elderly people, and people with small children via the main entrance and enjoyed in line with their designated use without any help from third parties. Glockenturmstrasse is transformed to interactive Museum-space which provides sufficient number of acoustic and tactile informations for the blinds. Skillfully alternating materials or using acoustic elements like sound units, water fountaines or artistic components can set accents that help with orientation.more on www.filiplanda.cz