Mr. and Mrs. Santos Master Suite and kitchen upgrade is located on The Venetian Islands in Miami Beach, Florida. The original house was built in the 1950’s and the integration of the new design into the existing style was a key factor for this project. The project started with the existing kitchen area which included the kitchen, laundry cabinet and breakfast area. The spaces were segmented and hindering each other in the desired use. By opening up the space and reconfiguring the center island leading to a focal dining area the flow was increased along with storage, lighting and usability. A double stacked oven was installed in the corner to provide easy access and allow for additional storage in the center island. The powder room received a full face list and now serves as cabana bath as well.The Laundry closet received its own room upstairs in proximity to the collection area and the master suite expanded with a walk through closet leading into the renovated and upgraded bathroom. The later focused on clean lines, functionality and natural light.