At the edge of a nature preserve, this new campus is terraced into the hillside. With an emphasis on water quality education, there is a campus bioswale consisting of native plant material and existing site boulders that were collected and relocated during construction site grading. This bioswale is re-aligned to flow across the campus in order to maintain the original drainage pattern through the site. Other learning elements include harvesting rainwater for irrigation, maximizing natural light and utilizing a thermal chimney for ventilation. To minimize impact on the natural topography, the campus is organized into four terraces of varying elevations with compact two- and three-story footprints. The buildings are positioned to front a central circulation spine, also called "The Promenade." Student access to the various floor levels of each building originates from the central promenade, allowing for clear and easy circulation throughout the campus. The public spaces such as the Library, Cafeteria and Gymnasium engage "The Promenade" as the traditional social center for the Campus.