The project involves the provision of a new recreation area, accompanying café and water feature that will create a new hub of activity and contribute to the adjacent rotunda precinct whilst providing an important addition to the existing amenities of Ryde Park . It will transform the Park by expanding the informal recreation, play and social opportunities to cater for a wider and changing demographic in sync with the
Park’s focus as a major civic space.
Existing trees and landform create an intimate and semi-enclosed precinct within the Park. The proposed cafe and rest rooms will be the symbolic heart, whilst also provide a hub that facilitates connection between the upper and lower areas of the Park.
The café, rest rooms and attached water feature will act as a focal point and provide a place for residents, local workers and visitors to meet. It will also be a place that people will wish to congregate and socialise due to its visual and physical amenities.
The building is orientated to best capture morning and midday sun, whilst the large overhang offers protection from afternoon west facing sun. The large overhangs are designed to allow maximum winter solar penetration. Other ESD principles include the use of recycled timber and stone, modular construction, natural ventilation, rainwater storage and its reuse for flushing of toilets, and local irrigation. Solar powered hot water systems, and photovoltaic cells to produce energy.