In addition to its plastic appeal, this project distinguishes itself mainly through the visual impact caused by its proposed volumes, which functionally cooperates with details of comfort and efficiency. Essentially, this project comes down to pure geometric forms that fit a significant slopped land, creating a stunning and harmonious interaction between house’s interior and the external landscape. Scenery was on top of our creative design. We took advantage of glazed openings in some rooms to frame a portrait of surrounding native forest.
In the first meeting with our clients, they requested not only a quick and clean working, but also a project that should take advantage of land’s declivity, leading us to opt for steel as its mainframe’s base material. In summary, it’s a cube that holds the bedrooms and advances backyards, creating a balance that nearly walks you into the woods, while making a coverage protection for recreation area. Supported by two metal pillars, the top cube seems to float over the land. Loose two levels below it lies both living room and laze areas.
Besides efficient constructive resources, like metallic structure, the usage of prestressed slabs and cellular blocks closing has optimized and expedited execution, while generating less construction waste. Photovoltaic solar panels, enhanced by electronic system, supply house with electricity. A rainwater harvesting, storing and treating system makes house’s concept self sufficient.