Our interest in the accumulation of rich vegetal and
animal detritus surrounding our Gelatinous Orbs is articulated in human form
with our project; Romulus and Remus a Succulent Pinata. The piñata merges sport
with the narrative and imagery of Romulus and Remus being fed by the She-Wolf
to produce an environment thick in childish anticipation and nourishing
liquids. From the She-Wolf we get a mammalian body and protective posture, soft
fur coat with tender and moist underbelly. This incorporates with the piñata to
produce a more interactive and enticing game full of opportunity and various
ways of accessing candy. We imagine a piñata whose mood moves beyond the
festive and pleasurable acquiring succulent qualities that belie the saccharine
contents held within. It is imagined to be a fecund beast held captive above
ogling children, their favorite substance suspended mere feet from their
shortened grasps attracting other children like flies to her honey-dripping
belly. The activities produced by such a decadent feast are as integral to our
understanding of the object and its associated mood.
The other aspect of the piñata that we find enticing is
how the materiality of the object is understood through the visceral
characteristics of the game. Since the game is about blindly cracking a shell
to release an inner candy realm, strategy is related to material properties as
understood through vision and touch (translated through a stick). The ability
to understand an object through its imaginary and real destruction alters its
legibility and mood. To heighten this experience we’ve developed additional
features into the pinata’s morphology and altered its materiality to prolong
the course of the game and create more satisfying and diverse breaking and
tactile points. The piñata is layered and constructed with multiple materials
ranging from soft outer coating to hard and brittle inner lining.