The Rockford Mass Transit District partnered with Larson & Darby Group in an effort to improve & expand services to the east side of Rockford undertook a project for a new intermodal transportation hub for both local and regional transportation links between Rockford and Chicago.
The building & site is configured to accommodate retail, a small bus servicing facility, long term waiting and support areas for local and regional bus passengers, a public meeting facility, and, in a unique partnership with the Rockford Police Department, space for a small police substation is also provided.
The striking entrance canopies and curved forms of the building reflect the energy and motion of the activities occurring on site and also draw the attention of passersby while serving as shelter for passengers boarding and departing the buses during inclement weather. Large expanses of glass provide views to the bus loading areas and the heavily wooded site beyond. Pedestrian paths encircle the site and are intended to link to regional bike paths.