The Rock River Water Reclamation District partnered with Larson & Darby Group in the design of a new facility that will house the District’s Administration, Business, and Engineering departments while providing a public presence within the community.
The District desired a high-performance facility that would obtain LEED certification and be an example of environmentally responsible forward-thinking design. The 40,000 SF facility is oriented to take advantage of the site’s gentle slope and maximize views of the natural
prairie landscaping. The design explores the creative use of daylighting strategies and sun control to contribute to a healthy environment within which to work and visit (daylight harvesting). The building will also be
energy efficient by water source heat pumps utilizing the effluent water generated by the client’s operations. Additionally, methane generated on the site will be converted to electrical power for the entire facility.
Other features such as drive-up bill paying window and a water feature educational exhibit component further contribute to a patron-friendly and community-focused facility.