The Renaissance International School Saigon, a junior and senior high school for 1000 students, has commenced as of May 2008. The different activities of the school are divided into four buildings on a one hectare site suburban in HCMC and include facilities such as a 350 seat auditorium, a gymnasium, computer resource center and a 25m swimming pool. The site is located next to one of the main feeder roads between the central business district of HCMC and the new developing area of Phu My Hung. The basic plan typology for the classroom blocks follows a typical colonial layout consisting of a central core of rooms surrounded by a deep colonnade. The purpose of the colonnade is to provide surrounded by a deep colonnade. The purpose of the colonnade is to provide circulations space, control the natural
light and reduce the building overall heat gain by shading the mass of the brick walls. This plan typology was preferred over the more standard double loaded corridor due to its environmental performance advantages. The various blocks of the school are linked by a system of bridges and open walk ways. This strategy was adopted to fulfill the client’s requirements to phase the construction and the limitations of
the site area. To take advantage of the site’s irregular perimeter the buildings have been sculpted and slightly skewed in their layout. This creates flowing vistas and reduces the visual weight of the architecture from the lower levels. The upper floors of the buildings curve away from the courtyard in section to allow for more light to enter the central courtyard.