The Ricardo Lorenzo space has marked the starting point to the rehabilitation of the whole neighborhood in the center of Santander.
Zumthor counter how when he starts to project, meets again and again with the old and almost forgotten memories and asked what meaned for him determined architectonical situation and that trying to conjure that atmosphere could be useful.
In that process when we should let us feel that little feeling of plenitude and richness that make us to think: I have seen this before and at the same time I perfectly know that everything is new and different.
With this spirit we execute the rehabilitation of the old winery in Aguayos street where it is projected the enlargement of architects school of Cantabria without forgetting that the correct and sensorial use of materials, which seems deeply rooted in ancestral knowledge of the people, can help us to achieve our objective.
Providing the project the conditions that make it suitable to develop of the daily work of the school and taking care of the values that remain in the space. Transparency, versatility and economy.