_CLIMATE_CULTURAL CHANGES the abrupt climate
change, the temperature rising and the difficulty of finding resources
on the surface will force the man to seek, to develop, elsewhere. The
deterministic approach and the horizontal hierarchy relationships must
be subverted instead of new kind of theories rooted in multyplicity, in
the ground, in the horizontal gene transfer._MAP the idea is to develop otherwise, elsewhere. Not to find a new
place for building, but a new kind of architecture for the place. to
create a relationship map in the environment._THE PROJECT is a translation of needs and
potential growth. it wants to reverse the idea of development, of
increase. Remove instead of add. Displace instead of place. down
instead of up._n-1 based on rhizome theory, the project is not a unity or a part;
is a continue combination of elements, structure and substructure,
functions and relationships. Every element and its combination follow
the fractal autosimilarity, to reproduce themeselfes in everyscale.
_THE TOWER the pro-exempla building
introduce the next typology of design, develop and living. Like a
rhizome grown in the terrain and is connected to the others. Every
element, structure or substructure are eraseble and reproduceble
(following relationships) in other places, changing form/tracing but not
the map.