Maple is the new name of the renovated ING Bank building formerly known as ING Financial Plaza in Amsterdam Zuidoost. This building of the largest bank in the Netherlands was in need of revitalisation in line with the urban development of this area. Atelier PRO designed the renovation and interior of this ING building on the Bijlmerdreef.
Innovation district
The revitalised ING building is part of the development of an urban campus and innovation district. Originally initiated by ING, the city campus is a joint effort of the municipality of Amsterdam, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA), the Amsterdam Community College (ROC) and ING. It is a place where new generations of students, (mid) corporates, innovators, researchers, local entrepreneurs and residents inspire each other and work together to turn new ideas into tangible solutions, products and services.The renovated ING building is much more than just a new workplace for bank employees. It is a place that connects people, buildings and ideas in a way that encourages creativity, innovation and flexibility and enables sustainable solutions for a better future.
City campus
The design of this city campus is characterised by strong interweaving in the existing urban structure. ING has developed a new headquarters building here called Cedar (designed by Benthem Crouwel). In addition, a number of surrounding existing ING Bank offices have been renovated. These buildings, located along the Bijlmerdreef, together with the new head office, form the focal point of the campus. Atelier PRO not only designed the architecture of the renovation but also the interior of the Maple building.
Financial Plaza now Maple
Originally designed by Broekbakema, the Financial Plaza is an elongated building tied to a parking garage, a residential block and the various levels of the Amsterdamse Poort shopping area. The entire building was demolished down to its main supporting structure. The building, now called Maple, has been given a completely new facade, which has a major impact on the appearance of the new campus.
Facade effect
The campus façade on the Bijlmerdreef consists of powder-coated aluminium frames containing staggered front and rear glass. This gives the building a crystal structure and geometry. The alternating bay windows give a faceted effect. The geometry of the framework have a dampening effect on the low incoming sun from the west at midday. The façade geometry continues in a differentiated form at the ends of Abcouderpad and Bijlmerplein. The degree of transparency of the façades varies according to orientation.
Besides designing the renovation, atelier PRO also co-developed the interior design to optimise the working environment of 900 workstations.