If there is debris on the roofing surface, the best is to remove it, by yourself or even professionally, which we recommend. Debris blocks the water flow on the roofing system and that's why it needs to be removed completely. Debris can be removed in many ways, all depending on the type of debris, the amount of it, and the roofing material. One of the most popular ways is to blow the debris off the roof with a leaf blower. Although we all know that debris needs to be removed, it can be hidden in many roofing elements like skylights, vents or also in the grounds. This can make a big damage to the roof. It is very importantly to prevent water backing up in the roofing structure which causes leaks, rot, and other roofing problems. It is good to make annual inspections to prevent the regular roofing problems.
Proper methods for cleaning and debris removal are very important. Chech with the roofing installer and with a manufacturer to learn about the requirements and guidelines for proper maintenance of your roofing system. The methods for cleaning and drainage may include the pressure washer or broom cleaning. Check the proper type of equipment for cleaning your roof and a guideline on how to use it. Certain tools can make more damage to the surface of the roofing system and leads to premature failure of the roofing structure. The manufacturer can ensure you which tool and equipment to use so you don't damage your roofing.
Here are some of the tips on how to remove safely debris from the roofing surface and its elements.
1. Removal of the moss from the shingles
2. Removal of the broken shingles
3. Removal of the dirt that occasionally occurs during the debris removal
4. Removal of the old debris in the gutters or even gutters cleaning
There are several precautions which need to be followed when debris removal. Important is to cover any value items near the house and the garage, all the value items on your property. Also, notify the neighbors of the removal, so they know you are in action and they can also make some perceptions measures.
The owner should clean the yard of the resultant debris. If you cannot do it by yourself, you can always contact and hire a professional.
There is no warranty for debris, the owner must keep the roofing system free of any debris. You can hire a professional on the regualr basis or do it by yourself. The removal prevents the water penetrating into the structure, that's why the debris removal is very important. A small amount of debris in the wrong locations can make a lot of damage, so the inspection on regular basis is a must. Proper maintenance also prolongs the lifetime of the roofing system, so it is very important. One of the important things that are covering the proper maintenance is the debris removal.