The neighborhood of La Chainza, on the other side of Noia´s Bridge has a long history. Dotted from long time over the trace of the Camiño Real, It was the whole life an obligatory stopping point from the outsides of Noia. The new road in a certain way bordered and as a detached meander of the transit routes, the Chainza was soon pushed against the shoreline, and is further constrained and isolated, but this saved it...
But the Chainza, in spite of its low level of activity, it retains in the present day the appropriate scale, which is it self and gives sense; its state of decay is reversible, and its situation and character, present throughout the area, make it worthy of better condition, i.e. worthy of something more than be limited to be a "a shortcut for smart ones ".
Thus, the intervention, which covers several phases and which has only been made the first, has as a priority objective return the public space to the people, revitalization with a work of cleaning and removing the excrescences that over the past years and wrong decisions have been added without sense.