Redrum (2003) is a temple for oil, an architectonic
installation in Anchorage Alaska by Finnish architects Casagrande &
Rintala. The work is commissioned by Alaska Design Forum. 3
Alaska Railroad oil tanks cut into total 12 pieces and turned into a
tempel structure opposite the Federal Building of Anchorage in the
crossing of C-Street and 7th Avenue. The interior is painted bright red
in contrast to the rusty and brutal exterior. The floor is made of 3500
kg of oyster shells, the origin of all Alaskan oil. "Redrum"
is "murder" backwards. The designers intended to comment on the
connection of oil, war and environment. Local media described the piece
as "a slap in the face to Alaskans".Casagrande & Rintalatogether with Alaska University / Artsteel work: Martin "Metalgod" Ross