Our greatest inspiration to develop architecture was nature, therefore, we look for axes where architecture could converge organically with it, not trying to compete or diminish importance. For this reason the cabins are planted in the field in a non-linear way, they are irregular as the work of nature itself, fluid and non-intrusive.
At the request of the owner, the property consists of a private part and a public part where users are free to choose when to live together and when to have private time with them and nature.
That said, the logic consists of four cabins fully equipped and with a complete program; one for each member of the family and a family cabin where everyone enjoys company. The project has as an indispensable ingredient a corridor that interconnects all the cabins with the family area, facilitating the free transit of the family inside the enclosure.
To achieve the integration of the project with the environment, it was made through three lines of action:
1. AXIS OF COMPOSITION which gives movement to the cabins and this generates an apparent change of view for each space.
2. MATERIALS these were rigorously selected to be integrated and even get lost in some moments in nature.
3. CANCELS in all cabins these open completely leaving large voided ceilings, just in this way we achieve that the architecture becomes part of the place, generating a comforting feeling of harmony with the environment.
The choice of materials was a very important task as well. They had to be not only of the best quality but regional, long-lasting and low maintenance to make an architecture with the lowest possible carbon footprint.