what: kindergarten.where: Ragnhildsgade, Copenhagen, DK.when: pre-qualification, 2010.
"Ragnhilds rainforest".
MAPT has recently developed a new concept for a kindergarten, inspired by the rainforest, which has clearings, wild undergrowth, varied terrain and plantation. All this create a world of experience and opportunities.
The idea is that a big forest surrounds the site. In between the trees, light creates spaces for play and creativity, stimulating different types of movement for kids in all ages.
The central space in ?Ragnhilds rainforest? is the buildings heart. It is a common space for all the children. The heart has room for play, immersion and physical exercise. The goal is to create a space that makes the day flexible with changing experiences for the children. This is expressed in qualities like inside/outside, up/down, light/shadow, high/low, big/small, passive/active.