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Punggol Waterway Contest Singapore  

Punggol Waterway Contest Singapore

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Punggol Waterway Contest Singapore

Water – it is the life sourceand the peerless natural gift all over the world.People have been interested in water for
centuries and they have settled around reservoirs searching for water
beneficial effect and healing virtues. Water power provokes people’s
imagination in order to improve their psychical status.     
Referring to the
above-mentioned, the present competition gives a chance for people’s dream
realization – living next to water.  Following this idea, we aim to create the block residents’ close connection
to environment and water. We succeed in this task using urbanization methods and
design which provide the residents all the necessary facilities, and the
visitors - an unforgettable experience in this Punggol Waterway area.
The water canal – the territory „backbone” –shall be connected
tosome pedestrian alleysand parks entering the flooragesandrealizing connection tosecondarypermanentpedestrianspacesparallel with the
canal. So, the alley system shall be
constructed and it may go to a second level at some locations (by means of appropriatelysituated loading platforms) – the final result is the pedestrian zones’ continuity.
All the serving streets shall
be so situated they shall not disturb the pedestrians and shall notbreak the parks near the canals.
The multistage garages shall
be so situated they shall serve as a buffer to the streets. The roofs shall be
planted with grass and they shall also be used for sport activities. The connections of the garages to the residential
structures shall be covered.
The second level alleysshall connect to the schools where after the
hours children may go in for sports. So, all the
important functional zones with territory easy pedestrian access shall be
connected. This access shall continue to the next parks, zones, PunggolCenter, Town center, etc.
Referring to the
above-mentioned purposes, we stake on the
accurate building design and construction at А andB plots. The stairs-shaped layout together with the green breaks and planted roofsshall providenearly all theapartments a visual contactto the water.
Referring to A and B plots,
all the Task requirements are met and the following is provided:
Children’s centerlocated in a building 1C with adjoiningpaved area;
center – building 2E with running
alley 300 m long; Educational center – building 3A ; Residents’
committee center –in building 1E; Gravel pathway;
areawith sizes of 32/19 mfor games andcommunal
activitiesnext to block 2E..; twogrounds (one of them for
2/5 –aged
children, the other one forchildren older than 6 years); benches, etc.
Splitting ofthe living structuresby vegetationoffersanother type of lifestyle
–an intimate, natural andhigher standard.

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