PREVIOUS STATEA lot of the areas within our urban agglomerations are suffering from mono-functionality or have a –sometimes even enormous - hidden potentials, which never had the possibility to arise.AIM OF THE INTERVENTIONPublic space has a fundamental role for the general aspect and function of the city. It is increasinglydefined by legal parameters, concealed mechanisms and hegemonially agreed patterns of behaviour.Every culture defines itself by its different approach and use of public space. , It´s time now to focusmore on the development of the software, and not just on the increase of hardware of this city. To breakthe mono-functionality of large areas and to enrich the potential of older parts of the city new strategieshave to be invented. By offering new tools we could increase the potential of those spaces in a very highway. A lot of European Cultures have a rich tradition of informal tactics to work within public space. Asthose approaches were predominately focussed on economic issues as trading, we ask ourselves, howto mobilise people and how to use this potential to focus on a much broader concept of public space,creating a more lively and adventurous kind of urban life.DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERVENTIONPublicTrailer© uses the power of the most ecological means of transport, the bicycle. It has theadvantage to be very flexible, small and of easy access. The different types of bicycles vary form veryeconomic to highly exclusive products.PublicTrailer© is a variety of bicycle trailers with different functions which can be easily transported tothe most different parts of the city. They are performative tools for the city, giving a different approach topublic space. In combination with the bicycle the users can react very quickly on the different situationson site – they can follow the masses, they can avoid possible problems with authorities, they can formstronger and multifunctional units in combination with other PublicTrailers©.They allow to do actions in space that were never possible before. They are generators of situations anda tool for new urban adventures.Every new constructed element of the city give the user of the PublicTrailers© a new way to combinedifferent layers of public live, that could go from a practical solution of daily life problems to surrealmoments in space to a highly performative “Culture of congestion”.The PublicTrailers© after a first test in Shenzhen will now be put in action within a few differentcontemporary Europan Cities.EVALUATIONThe PublicTrailers© were accepted from the first moment on, and people really understood theirpotential very quickly. The poeple throughout their own creativity added new possibilites to that tools.