In the last decade the Southwestern United States has lost more than 20% of its conifer forests. A group of scientists based at the University of Arizona is working to understand why trees are dying so they can better predict what will happen in the future. One of their primary tools for determining the extent and effects of forest die-off (also known as conifer collapse) is hemispherical photography. These 360-degree fisheye images are taken in forests at different stages of mortality to determine the increased amount of radiant energy (sunlight) hitting the earth’s surface as trees die. This information is critical to their study, which reveals that, added to drought and beetle infestation, the slight increase in global temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions has created the fatal tipping point.
Prone to Collapse is a new work developed from ongoing scientific research and several months of creative research and reflection on the raw material. As an installation it re-presents and re-contextualizes the hemispherical photographs used by these scientists in an immersive, sensory experience.
Animated hemispheric photographs are projected onto a scrim suspended within an installation made of repurposed materials derived from trees. Viewers are invited to recline within the installation to experience the transition from lush healthy forests through death and disappearance. By combining the multi-sensory visceral experience of lying in a forest as it dies and the conveyed graphic information the collaborators seek to create conditions to awaken people to the problem of forest die-off, become receptive to learning about it and become inclined to take action.