The solution to inhabit one of the highest points in town needed to be
subtle and precise, in order to allow the house fit over the topography and adopt
a flexible plan to assure all spaces would enjoy external views.
The answer focused on placing the main three-story volume, over the more
accessible area of the topography and articulate a second body in cantilever.
This distribution was necessary to fulfill the client’s requirements to have
public areas and the master bedroom on the same step-less level. A ramp leads to
the main entrance, framed by a concrete structure, letting the experience start
at the intersection of both volumes.
In the interior, a library-wall offers a warm welcome and that opens to
a wide space with large windows offering a full view of the city. On the other
side, the master bedroom adds a panoramic glimpse of the city skyline to the
experience. The two secondary bedrooms are located in the lower levels and have
independent entrances.
The analysis gave special attention to the sunlight received on the
southeast façade, for this reason it was necessary to use certain elements as
movable louvers and light roofs, to block the sun in critic hours and enjoy the
view the rest of the day.
The easy configuration of spaces in a free plan, together with the
management of natural textures, warm colors and natural light, gives as a
result the perception of comfortable sensations for its inhabitants and a
harmonic dialog with the surroundings.