Located between Ramon Matías Mella & 27 de Febrero Streets, the City
of San José de las Matas, it stands as a structural steel portico
building, with a predominance of straight line, extending it in the east
- west generating rectangular spaces, which will enable better use and
distribution of office furniture.As principles that govern architectural composition the proyect
features: the use of natural light, as a means of saving energy,
structural flexibility, allowing us to grow and readjust the spaces
easily, communion with nature, through our open spaces and gardens;
transparency, openness and visual space.The project responds to an open plaza site, creating an ongoing dialogue
between the sidewalk and its base, which shows a permanent integration
of the building to its surroundings, reflecting the direct relationship
of the Cooperative San Jose and the people of San Jose de las Matas,
stating that there are no barriers between members of the institution
and the building.On the roof of the third level, which is visible edges of the building
will notice the existence of twelve (12) circles in increasing order
from east to west and pointing the headquarters of the Cooperative San
Jose, which each represent of them five years of uninterrupted work of
this our Mano Amiga Forever, completing the sixty years that fulfilled
the institution in the past 2011, and was inspiring motive for the
construction of this work, the same way, the other two circles are to
the west and of equal size, representing the anniversary month of the
institution, "FEBRUARY", which as indelible mark each passing year