The house adopts a highly introverted stance, seeking to
dissociate with its adjoining neighbour or for that matter the street.
Strategically, the main fenestration looks to the side while other parts of the
house are ventilated and lit indirectly through surgical openings. This
effectively fortifies the spaces within from unwelcome gaze while allowing
valuable day lighting and ventilation. We adopted the simplest, archetypical form that generates
the greatest internal volume while keeping the fade decidedly minimal. The
deliberate flatness of the envelope was conceived as a counterpoint to suburban
clutter of middle-class domesticity. One of the greatest challenges was the
roof form due to the multitude of programmatic and urban planning demands. We
adopted the double-pitched roof to accommodate the family lounge in the attic
with the front roof splaying away from the party wall to open out for the roof
terrace and pool.