CREW*31Post Industrial Fleet is architectonic recycling strategies for industrial ships out of duty.Strategies
of activating 31 Danish harbour cities and towns by introducing new
urban functions inside recycled industrial ships and barges. The
vessels out of duty are transformed into fixed platforms of democratic urban
living. The engines are removed and the ships are ruined. They will grow trees and have holes for rain to fall in. FUNCTIONSCommunity Ship with free spaces for different individual and group activities.Bio Ship with mechanical biological composting units for recycling urban waste.Floating City with experimental communities in the belly.CREW*31 was based in Denmark for PIF.Venice Biennale 2004 and Taiwan Design Expo 2005.Marco
Casagrande, architect - Rebecca Arthy, architect / artist - Steen
Bisgård Jensen, landscape architect - Christina Sofia Capetillo,
architect / photographer - Dan Cornelius, architect - Susanne Lund
Jensen, architect / artist - Kristine Jensen, landscape architect.Assistants:
Lea Louise Andersen, architecture student - Elina Moreau Braunstein,
architecture student - Sofie Palm, architecture student