Our approach for the project was to create a long, narrow, contemporary timber and copper clad structure that provided a visual edge and a functional screen the entire length of the pool along the driveway side. Within this divide, along the western end of the building, an extraordinarily large opening provides a viewing portal through the building, over the pool and to the panorama beyond. The building is composed of three linear components. The first, descending the slope from the main house, exterior trellis space that provides a welcoming shaded dining and entertaining area featuring a board formed concrete fireplace anchoring the far end. Next, on the other side of the chimney, a “copper box” contains the interior living space complete with a kitchenette, large bathroom with shower and changing room. The area doubles as a guest bedroom when the couch is pulled out into a bed. The third component, toward the east end of the pool, is a small exterior space containing a semi-private outdoor shower. Other than a small window in the living space and the large portal exposing the mountain silhouette to approaching visitors, the building is relatively closed to the north yet opens generously to the south placing the pool and countryside on splendid exhibit.