Investment is located in Opole at crossroads of Katowicka street and Karol Miarka Street as a replacement for old one level lecture theatre building. The major aim of design of Construction Department of Technical University was to provide comfortable, functional and modern university facilities. New project is shaped in form of letter “L” which allows to connect 2 existing buildings of the Univesrsity: historical building on 48 Katowicka Street and laboratory building from Mickiewicza side. New building with over 3500 sq m includes assembly, laboratories, IT rooms and 20 lecture halls.
Assembly hall is equipped with high-end multimedia. It can be easily divided into 2 separate rooms by movable wall. Important part of the development is the courtyard which was designed to offerrecreation area for students in form of well designed public space.
Concept. The concept mixes tradition with modern style mainly because of location between two different type of buildings. The simplicity of form and lack of decorations allows to connect this two buildings without stylistic interruption as well as to assure mort efficient functional layout of interior. The façade visible from the courtyard looks like a jigsaw of geometrical shapes separated from each other by differentiation of modern materials: glazed surfaces, concrete and steel. The elevation from Katowicka street was kept as simple as possible in the form of plane surface to comply with historical elevation of neighboring building. Important element of the whole concept was a creation of the internal courtyard designed in style of western European university campus that allows people to spend time, interact and treat this area as integral part of the complex.