The project started with finding the appropriate site for PLAYMOBIL HELLAS facilities, which was identified at the beginning of 2015. We then moved on to the design and execution of the FunPark, FunStore, Café, Lechuza corner and offices. A space of 1600 sqm in total!
Despite the challenges we faced - tight inflexible time schedule, stakeholders with geographical dispersion, strict processes, difficult and unstable political & financial environment - Stirixis team worked closely with all parties involved, and through its systemic approach and design, the aim of creating a unique PLAYMOBIL experience for visitors and employees has been accomplished. At the same time our effective project management fully respected the client’s time and budget restrictions, maximizing PLAYMOBIL’s return on investment.
Stirixis Project Team
Project Manager: Alex Athanassoulas | Design Manager: Eleni Sotiriou | Designer: Zoi Potamiti | Industrial Themes Design: Rania Drakou | Photographer: Konstantinos Kontos