From the architect. The client’s desire was to develop 4 residences through a simple and efficient language in terms of form and function, which could overcome architectural fashions and last in time. Given these requirements we set off to study the theoretical concepts of “La Idea Construida” of the Spanish architect Alberto Camplo Baeza, to develop the project’s manifesto:
1. Understand light and gravity as basic constructive elements.
2. Work with light in each and every different way it presents to us: direct or diffuse, vertical, horizontal and diagonal.
3. Use the always accurate white. It is present in architectural landmarks that have lasted in time: The Parthenon, The Villa Savoye, The Guggenheim by Wright…
4. Understand that construction is not perfect and make it part of the program.
5. Differentiate between essentialism and minimalism. Essential space, not minimum space.
A playful game of white surfaces and volumes that spread themselves around the project serve as protection and space closings. Luxury and elegance is explored throughout simplicity. The tropical weather is considered as an advantage, using light in different qualities and quantities; it is filtered and controlled, it glides through the stone. A dialogue with gravity is created by means of a conventional and efficient constructive system. Finally, a smooth and serene ambiance is achieved, almost as if it was suspended on time by the light.