Plantion is an auction-centre for the retail and wholesale trade of flowers, plants and supplies.
The complex along the federal road A30 is expanded with an exquisite architectural accent of 42 meters high, an office complex known as ‘the Crown’.
Underneath them are ‘the Crown’ offices, which are located above the processing centre and the buyer-storageboxes.
The new marketplace consists of four associated buildings:
Building A: contains the auction-centre with the expedition, the auction-hall, companycanteen and auction-related offices.
Building B: contains the processing centre, the buyers-storageboxes and ‘the Crown’ offices for the auction affiliated trading companies.
Building C: contains the loading-/shipmenthall where the customers (florists and master-gardeners) can directly transfer their just bought articles.
Building D: contains the wholesale centre / ‘Cash & Carry’ (for plants, flowers, aquaculture and hardware) and the ‘Greencentre Plantion’.