The project
for PythagorasMuseum and Gardens is the result of the
international design competition held by Crotone Council with funding from the
European Community in its role of encouraging development of urban community
The central theme of the competition
was the creation of a science park on an area of 18 hectares dedicated
to the great Greek mathematician Pythagoras who founded the PythagoricSchool in the Kroton of the VI century
The project has a double goal acting
at global and local level: on one hand promoting the city of Crotone
on the international circuit of cultural tourism through enhancement of the city’s historical and scientific identity with
Pythagoras, on the other hand activating an urban and social renewal process of
that part of Crotone.
The architecture of the
museum sought to create a new landscape morphologically rooted to the
ground, through a partially hypo-epigean space that integrates the museum
into the mountain through continuous
coverage with the existing topography, underlining the profile of
the hill.
relationship between architecture
and landscape is emphasized in the interior spaces of
the foyer and the cafeteria framing the view outside, as if
seen through a telescope.
The museum can be reached at the lower level
through a climbing path coming from the town, or at the upper level through a
path descending from the mount.
An inner spiral architectural
promenade distributes the
various functions of the museum (foyer, permanent and temporary exhibition
halls, workshop spaces, offices, cafeteria), accompanying
the visitors in a continuous and fluid way to the roof
top, conceived as a belvedere over looking the park and
the city, being place of recreation and
socialization where the line
between exhibition, plaza and garden will
be defined by the varying uses of the final users.
in the outskirts of Crotone,
the museum is part of a wider project that aims to renovate the areas around
the historical centre with new public activities.
landscape design realized a tree-lined promenade running between the ancient
Carlo V Castle and the PigneraPark, providing a link
between the old town and the modern city.
The PigneraPark is expected to develop into the
green heart of the city with landscape features - like the green ring at the
base of the hill and the pedestrian paths to the town which will provide better
connections between the different parts of the city.
Pythagoras gardens and museum meet the growing need of cultural and
scientific entertainment, offering an integrated program that seeks the fusion
of science, art, nature, history, philosophy, math and music.
The gardens and the museum play two different and complementary roles:
the gardens are a place where ideas are (re)presented but not deeply explained,
while the museum is a place for in-depth
study of the themes previously presented in the gardens through use of detailed
illustrations, interactive exhibits, videos, etc.
The park is designed by
different spaces, strips, backgrounds and paths that track the visitors’ route.
The botanical benefits of the gardens are tangible, showing increases
in biodiversity through species and micro-ecosystems that respect the natural
features of the area and also include careful screening for new species that
could be introduced according to their adaptability to the local conditions.
The figure
of Pythagoras constitutes the ideal trail connecting the cultural heritage of
ancient Magna Grecia to the modern scientific thinking, from Fibonacci,
Keplero, Wiles and Witten
to present time. The PythagorasMuseum is not a static
and conservative museum: the hands-on exhibitions are designed to be used by the
visitor. A playful and interactive approach not only makes self-learning and
independent thinking more effective, but also bestows a feeling of wonder to
the learning process, bringing math alive through the centuries.