Projects consist of 20 villa house and landscape areas such as common garden area and private gardens of villa houses. Main idea of conceptual landscape design is to experiencing various plants blooming in every season, being useful and living area. Also smart settlement in landscape design for providing privacy for users.
Common garden consists of gathering area for common dinners, playground, walking way and specially designed structure which includes vertical garden, biological pool and water wall. Vertical garden is designed for reflecting an elegant entrance from outside. Water wall and biological pool is located at the otherside of the vertical garden's wall for providing visual pivacy from outside. Biological pool and water wall is used for giving relaxation sense and creating a natural, secret garden for users. Basalt step stones and pebble stones are used for achieving harmony with facade materials in walking way, which surrends common garden. Linden, Maple and Olive trees are chosen for walkway to experiencing them in every season.
In private gardens, herbacious and aromatic plants are chosen in front of patios for providing nice visual privacy. Lawn areas which near to patios is surround by bamboos and cypresses. Also all private gardens have secret zen garden which is identified by Japanese Maple tree and landscape lighting elements.