"Are you feeling like German, Swiss or Frenchman?""I feel like a human"....answered the great doctor Albert Schweitzer when he came back to Europe from clinic of Lambarene in Gabon.Project of pediatric clinic for Africa must be pragmatically solved. It can draw from cultural wealth but it has to look at technical analyse of economical and social situation and climate.East Africa today is very problematic continent in term of population, sociological and cultural envolvement. Women and children walk an average of 6 miles a day to collect water. 1 child dies every 15 seconds due to the lack of clean drinking water. More than 10 million children die every year from preventable illnesses. 270 million children have no access to public health services.Rwanda is one of the most beatiful countries on the world. There is the highest density of population in Africa. The political situation in 90's was critical. 1994 was a watershed year in the history of Rwanda. A war and genocide left much of the country destroyed and more than 1 000 000 dead. In addition, a mass exodus from the country caused a shortage of human resources in the civil service. The health sector was not spared. 60% of the population of the country live in rural areas, where there is high level of poverty. However, there is also high level of education of over 68%. It is expected that if the country continues with its reforms and market economy approach the future for development looks good. Although located only two degrees south of the equator, Rwanda's high elevation makes the climate temperate. The average daily temperature near Lake Kivu, at an altitude of 4,800 feet (1,463 meters) is 73°F (23°C). During the two rainy seasons (February-May and September-December), heavy downpours occur almost daily, alternating with sunny weather. Annual rainfall averages 80 centimeters (31 in.) but is generally heavier in the western and northwestern mountains than in the eastern savannas.Each year, thousands of children die in Africa of preventable and treatable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV. New mothers often lack the care needed for their health and those of their newborn children. According informations of WHO is life expectancy at birth only 44 years by men and 47 by women. There is high children and maternal mortality.It is not possible to solve all of these problems by one building or one clinic. I try to find some universal model of hospital that is adaptable and can be modifed to various sites. It will be not only hospital – it can serve like a teaching centre for nurses or like a dormitory for the staff and the families.The concept must include this requests: simplicity and logic realizability in 2 phases and possibility of continuous grow economical request humility large surface of the roof for rainwater collection usage of alternative energy sources adaptability, variabilityDesigns should encompass two phases, the first being the basic pediatric clinic that will address childbirth and disease prevention and treatment. It will be a satellite clinic to support a larger medical hub. This design should be fully developed. The second phase calls for a way to convert the existing satellite building of Phase One into a larger medical hub/small hospital that will provide support for surrounding satellite offices. The design for Phase Two does not need to be as fully developed but should clearly show how the requirements can be added onto the first phase.Fight for the Children staff will work with the local residents at the proposed site in East Africa to build the clinic based on the winning design, using local materials and building techniques. Fight for the Children staff will train and work with local doctors and nurses, who will in turn train other area residents. Once the clinic has a strong foundation, the clinic will be turned over to local staff to be run independently of Fight for the Children, but with additional support as needed. This allows the clinic to be self-sufficient, rather than dependent on a foreign organization.The object is on the simply principle. Is strictly divided to 3 parts: ambulance, hospitality and operating part. The all parts of clinic can expand horizontal in modulus 3,6 meter. In second phase rise 5 squares, in the centre of every square is tank for rainwater. The water is main theme of Africa and water-tanks are as a heart of each part.All rooms have entries from inside of blocks – interesting system where we don't need any corridors. The light comes to rooms from atriums.The 1st phase is for an ambulatory function, the 2nd phase has capacity of 32 beds (16 beds for Children's ward, 8 for Maternal ward, 8 for Infection ward, next Infant ward and 10 beds for Gynocologic-birthing ward)The hospital can grow up to 3rd phase on the same principle. In the area will be simple accommodation for the staff and families, outdoor area with pit latrines, area for cooking, playground, timber stock. The morgue is here as like a separated object.All the area includes a perimeter security wall of bamboo sticks or of the slay and stones.Each ward is gathered round a court – an atrium, in which is fixed a one ferrocement tank for the rainwater. A roof extent is sufficient for a filling during the raining seasons.Simple square screen in modulus 3,6 meter is from eucalyptus wood. In this structural system are brick blocks.For the material are used available resources, such as unburnt slay bricks, eucalyptus wood, rebar, corrugated metal sheeting. Operating part and radiology block is from burned bricks with the mould plaster.Alternative technology is used for pit latrines, mourgue and for objects in family area - wooden construction is filled by mould. In Rwanda is ideal mould for this technology (ground witg water, straw and dropping).The floor is from ceramic tiles. The windows have glazing only in the operating part. The rest of windows have only a shutter.