Space limitations and user needs breed our design concept. A capacity up to 5 people and 3 independent desks were comfortably achieved in a space of 3.20m wide by 9.20m long, thus providing us a 35 m2 space.
The office is 4.50 meters high and has openings in the upper part at 2.05 m; they facilitate the entrance of overhead natural light. These 2.45 meter high blind walls provided us with privacy. The lighting design follows the concept of “breaks” also used in fixed furniture, and luminaries; these luminaires are supported by 3 tubes that are anchored to the side columns due to space limitations.
Using the orientation as an advantage, walls were raised to create a private environment, natural light enters through the upper part of the windows where the Wooden Black marble covering is illuminated, as a result, it becomes the protagonist of the project, creating a warm, elegant and an atmosferic environment. Finally, the the sobriety of the space is achieved by the wood tones in the carpentry.
Thus with orderly simplicity, the vertical luminaires in inverted positions, the coziness of the marble, and the flexibility of the fixed furniture achieved functionality and elegance with such care and delicacy, in order to fulfill our client’s expectations.