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PCA Filmaker's Live/Work  

PCA Filmaker's Live/Work

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PCA Filmaker's Live/Work

PROGRAM:  resident filmaker living space; work
and teaching space
SITE:  existing footprint of old hostel shed
on grassy lawn
CONCEPT:  increase awareness of time, which film
uniquely is able to capture
STRATEGY:  shadows cast by wood fins of main
facade accentuate passage of time through day on outside and in entrance hall;
green roof highlights passing of seasons; weathering would facade marks passage
of years.  North-facing lving space
and working space have operable facade for total priviacy and darkness when
necessary.  Service spaces tucked
between entrance hall and program spaces.
+ STRUCTURE: wood veneer and exposed concrete; poured concrete and stick frame
PROCESS:  developed intirely with sketches and
17u basswood models over three weeks.

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