MW Steele Group worked closely with the church’s liturgical consultant and building committee to develop a configuration of the worship space based on a distinct arrangement of the liturgical elements, including the altar, ambo, presider’s chair, and congregational seating configuration. The resulting dynamic relationship between these elements serves to nurture the sacred act of communal worship.The project consisted of a complete interior renovation. While the exterior was left in its original state, a contemporary narthex was added, to give the building an updated look and a welcoming new entry. When entering, one’s eyes are carried upward toward contemporary “clouds” suspended from the ceiling. The clouds are solid visually but appear to float. They contribute to the spiritual nature of the space and also hide infrastructure necessary to light the interior, as was directed by the client. They also help to form a space with exceptional acoustic quality. The nave is a large, open and airy space that is warmed with lighting and the reflection from beautiful stained glass windows. The use of different materials, including wood and stone, create an environment that is grand, yet welcoming – traditional and filled with the rituals of the church with contemporary details that will appeal to people of all ages.