There is something magical about jewelry, which makes it capable of enthralling us with such enormous force we are literally transcended by its original material value.
Crystals and precious stones, in particular, are the result of a kind of “illumination” within the mineral kingdom, an evolutionary leap, which includes in this process the reduction of its materiality.
When rocks, consisting of a certain dense material, undergo molecular alteration they are capable of transforming themselves into crystals, which ultimately become transparent to light.
There are carbons that, under extreme pressure and heating, turn into diamonds, while certain heavy minerals turn into other gemstones.
When the structure of the spaces we inhabit changes, we in turn react by adapting to this new frequency and vibratory pattern. Thus, a field is created where our perception of dense matter can be transformed into ethereal experience, which as a result of design choices achieves a spiritual dimension.
The design of the new jewelry store Orit was created as a fractal, where the geometrically lapidated space, influenced by light, is not the result only, but also its origin.
The technical issues necessary for the functionality of the program, such as the display of products, their storage, lighting, privacy and comfort of employees and customers are considered, but this would not be enough because what is sought is enchantment and silence, qualities present in that fraction of second when something is essentially still capable of surprising and even astonishing us.