Care with care!
People in need of care are sometimes obliged to leave their familiar surroundings for a shorter or longer time. In a period of medical discomfort, having to visit or stay in hospital is particularly disturbing. Comfortable and hospitable surroundings can play a crucial role in convalescence. De Zwarte Hond & Bonnema Architecten have designed a new type of care facility in which the patient is the focus of attention – both on and off stage. Perhaps that sounds self-evident, but the consistent adherence to this principle in all areas and on all scale levels requires a different way of thinking and a meticulous approach to design. Moreover, the well-being of patients, visitors and staff in the building is just as important as facilitating everything relating to treatment. Good architecture makes a significant difference.
The Orbis Medisch Centrum is based on an intensive development and design process for the Medical Care Centre of the Future. The new care facilities in Sittard-Geleen facilitate an innovatory care concept in which the patient and the individual recovery process are of central importance. The building has a clear-cut, linear structure with an atrium as its central axis accommodating all the public and patient-orientated functions. The logistics and technology in the building are organised so that the professionals benefit from maximum support and patients are not inconvenienced. Regarding the structure and design of the spaces, the building is fully geared to the new approach to care. Hospitality and comfort are the first priority.