proposed solution is based both on the notion of the assigning brief to bind
the planned area development with the 400th anniversary of the
foundation of New Amsterdam as well as with the specific town planning
intentions and the landscape characteristic of the designated site.
The concept
development site is situated on the North bank of the River IJ, South East from
Grasweg Street. To the South the site borders De Groene Draeck converted into a
work building and to the North with the raised fixed bridge across the TolhuisCanal.
location defines the character of the proposed composition that represents a
sequence of semi cylinder configurations aligned along the coast line
symbolizing the fort wall structure.
thus created longitudinal palisade is cross cut by two of the structures up
lifted to 9 meters height above the level of the main square and all of the revolving
diameters rotated to the North West
– South East axis. This formed axis comes to an end to the South with the
existing work building while to the North with the composition highlight accent,
the prominent 49 meters high raised building, composed of two tilted semi
cylinders in the form of the letter “A” as the symbol of the name of the city
and the name sake fort, established 400 years ago. This “A” structure is
situated on the horn formed by the river and the canal and is best oriented to
be grasped from the in coming ships advancing from the ocean.
building with recreational functions is developed between the semi cylinder
structures and Grasweg that forms the East front of the axis visually concluding
the open to the river spaces while also defining the square space. The
connection of the square with the land approach from Grasweg is effected
through passes and transparent glass walls. The design of the East front
elevations of this building as a reminiscence of the traditional Amsterdam architecture
symbolizes the protected by the fort city environment, contemporary rationalized
as a cultural, recreational and scientific centre.
relation to circulation, the entrance and the exit of the indoor garage with a
capacity for 187 cars, are situated entirely at level + 0.90 under the main
square and are oriented towards the direction of Grasweg. The foreseen new
pedestrian bridge over the TolhuisCanal envisages the
conduit of bicycle traffic extending over the newly created recreational areas.
Amphitheater platforms facing the river are also envisaged descending from the
main square situated at level
4.00 intended for recreation, informal social contacts and relaxing. Parking
space is additionally made available through the open air parking lot at the
level of the main square with a capacity for 22 cars that also services the
existing work building. The newly formed quay is part of the pedestrian zone
and is directly linked with the indoor parking.
The functional structure of the complex is in line both with the
determined territorial parameters as well as with the intention of the assigning
authorities to enrich the area with activities carrying over the spirit of New
Amsterdam back to its homeland in a contemporary modern times manner. It
encompasses residential, office, recreational and cultural functions. The
residential areas are situated in the four semi cylinder structures (two flats
per floor), the offices are hosted in the symbolic “A” building, while the
recreational, service and cultural areas are developed in the adjoining to the
square spaces and the described building between Grasweg and the semi cylinder