“One is to Four, a meticulously designed home in the vibrant heart of Bandra Village. Amid bustling streets and narrow alleys, this 500-square-foot plot has been thoughtfully reimagined to accommodate a family of five, balancing privacy with communal living. Situated in a lively, densely populated area filled with shops and local activity, the plot is bordered by a winding lane that leads to cozy settlements and neighboring homes. The design challenge was to create a home that met the diverse needs of a family while ensuring both privacy and communal spaces. The rectangular footprint was utilized efficiently, with a double-occupancy bedroom featuring ample storage and an attached bathroom at one end, mirrored by an identical setup at the opposite end, leaving the central area as a shared space. The entrance opens into this central zone, which serves as both the living room and kitchen. A compact staircase leads to two loft sections, each accommodating a two-person bed. A strategically placed skylight brings natural light into the central living space, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. Despite its modest size, “One is to Four” feels spacious due to its intelligent layout. Privacy is maintained without compromising the flow of natural light, resulting in a harmonious and inviting living environment. This project exemplifies how thoughtful design can transform a small space into a functional home, meeting the unique needs of a modern family in an urban setting.