Integrating the old people’s and nursing home programme
into the topography of the hospital grounds
made it possible to minimize the effects of the new
volume and introduce a dialogue with the impressive
existing building.
The old people’s and nursing home comprises 50
rooms that are distributed over the two building
sections on each side of the hospital. The occupation
of the edges of the property relieves the volume
at the centre and makes it possible to retain the view
from the existing building’s rooms.
The entrance to the old people’s and nursing home
is beneath the building section for the Psycho-Geriatric
Ward. The connecting building, which provides
access to the Geriatric Ward and includes
communal spaces and operative rooms, is located
beneath the hospital garden, which is enlarged in
this way. The departments are on different levels
and are each distributed on two floors. The common
rooms and tea kitchens are situated on the
lower floors, thereby benefiting from the directly
accessible exterior spaces. The upper levels accommodate
the remaining bedrooms and small
common areas, providing greater privacy.
The load-bearing structure of the building and the
garden walls are made of reinforced fair-faced concrete.
The varying position of the equal-sized windows
allows the rooms to be individually decorated
and adds rhythm to the façade. The garden walls,
which are an integral element of the architecture,
also provide a new organisation for the exterior