‘O’ is a project of UGO architecture & design proposed
for the Sukkah city competition. The participants of the competition were asked
to design a contemporary sukkah – a temporary hut created for an annual Jewish
harvest festival in New York.
Sukkah is one of the oldest building types to have a design
and construction carefully regulated by Talmud. These temporary buildings are
to symbolize memory about Jews’ 40 years exile in the desert after they were
banished from Egypt.
We wanted to create a form as flexible as possible to make
sure that sukkah can be placed in many also unconventional places. We also
wanted to make our sukkah as mobile as we can that’s why we decided on form of
sphere. Moves inside the sukkah (walking and pushing of one of the walls) allow
changing position of the sukkah.
‘O’ was built from zip-ties produced from biodegradable
plastic created from corn. Thanks to this particular
building material, the created form allows merging inside and outside world (no
borders) without sacrificing intimacy.
Inside the sukkah you can find folding table and many
puff-chairs in which can be hold a sleeping bag.