Build more than one hundred years ago, the Plaza Hotel is one of the most
iconic buildings in New York City and it is a place of historical interest to the
whole of the United States. It faces Central Park near the corner of 5th
Avenue, and the space ends with views of the pond at central park.
The Management of the Hotel decided to sell part of the property to be
converted into apartments, leaving the remainder of the building to its
original use. The new apartments are intended to house people working in
the arts, designers and those hoping to experience refuge, creation and rest,
under the one roof.
Our company was commissioned to produce the interior design of the
mezzanine apartment to the front of the buiding. The proximity of the vibrant
Oak Bar below – where live music is regularly played – required the
installation of acoustic insulation in the apartment, which was the starting
point of our involvement.
Analysis of the floor plan led to a re-distribution of the space and resulted in
a gain of 40 sqm of area. Old vertical air conditioning and heating columns
were replaced with drop ceilings where new ducts were installed.
Finding the best balance between the classic and the contemporary was the
starting point for our design. We were faced with the challenges of solving
the transition between past and present, coupled with the conservative taste
of the 72-year old owner and the enthusiasm of his son, 36. The result is an
eclectic project, where art, light, color, texture and particular details generate
several distinct 'ambiances', all of them integral parts of our overall design.
This is a classic example of a 'turnkey' commission, where we as designers
were required to select not only all appliances but also the complete sets of
bed and table linen, crockery, silverware and the like, in order to deliver a
ready-to-use product.
The main finishes are restored French floors, English oakwood, 'Arabescato'
marble, tapestry and woven fabrics of natural fibres; the colors are discreet.