Nose, lips, ear, eye. All that remains of David, hand of Michelangelo...
Natural, perceptually familiar materials. Strict, rectangular lines. Some decor and some wood. Briefly formulated design task.
Decorative plaster, imitating aged, worn-out paint for years - the accent of the living space. The structure and manual method of applying plaster created the necessary detailing of the interior. A slightly naive association with Mediterranean, Tuscan examples of architecture.
Used it on the planes of the walls and ceiling causing an enveloping effect. The space becomes the whole one volume. Without superfluous, simplifying decor. There is no feeling of migration between different functional spaces.
The strict geometry of the furniture emphasizes the softness of the walls and ceiling. On the floor is large-format porcelain stoneware resembling slate. The natural relief of slate supports the unevenness of painting of the walls and ceiling. Marble countertops and raw wood accents complete the main theme of the spaces.
One day, waking up in the bedroom, you can find a stranger behind the paving slabs taking a shower...