No. 83 - An Office Building is located in the central part of Tehran, the capital of Iran, within a dense urban neighbourhood which has grown considerably during last decade.
Located at the corner of the 12th Street and North Sheykh - e - Bahaee St, the privately owned, 3,500 square –meter building sits on a 525 square-meter lot and, based on the project program, houses 20 office units in 5 levels above the ground floor. The building offers a range of different office unit sizes to suit a more diverse range of work style and function. The building also includes main entrance level in the ground floor and two basements accommodating the required parking spots and storage rooms.
As required by zoning, the building is to comply with an Intersection Set Back by-law at North West corner in all the floors above the ground floor level and is to be situated on the north side of the lot. The building foot print is permitted to cover up to a maximum of 60% of the lot area. Since a considerable area of the building facade is facing west, the building skin design objective was to control and properly distribute natural light while reducing solar heat gain in order to suit hot and dry climate in the summer. While addressing the set back requirement at North West corner, the building skin allows for gaining maximum natural light from the north side, captures minimum solar heat especially during summer from the south side, and gains indirect sunlight from the west.