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Briosco, Italy

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LAGI 2014. Falling Wall


Briosco, Italy

The site’s orography is the base of project concept; in fact it is characterized by two different altitudes with two parks which mainly need a connection between them. The solution is the building which is an element of attraction and connection after his primary function like a library. The project advances different no invasive volumes connected by a transversal hypogeal one. The volumes, follow the ground’s course and only a part of them come off from the gradient like they are supported on it without hiding the visual from the alpines chalet. This project choice is the consequence of conserving the harmony of the landscape that is an important site’s characteristic. In this way it achieved a hypogeal environment with a north-south orientation so we can have big windows, positioned in the better orientations. One of the aims is to have natural illumination ensuring a less use of the artificial one.
To characterize the New Library we design different dimension for the volumes and all of those have a different function inside and outside for a both using of the project. The main library is in the hypogeal part of the project like the clint asked. Then we have the two big windows and low volumes where there are reading area and children room and in this case we give the possibility to go out in the garden. The multimedia area is elevated volumes respect the other and the light come from a roof window to give a semi-dark space. The central big volume contains the hall of the library and its dimension is to have a double entrance from the up garden and the down one. The final volume is the technical building and it is separated with the rest of the library with a stair which connect the two level gardens. Through the Library we offer to live the park in a multiple way.

The choice to develop the project in a one level gets stronger the idea of dynamic spaces, adaptable and able to satisfy all the needs of the users: child, adolescent and old people. Accessing to the hall from the upper garden through a scale or from the lower park (main entrance) through the glass wall, you have the reception and this is achieved by reading and media library, the children's area, bathrooms or offices.
The reading room is separated from the children area because we want to preserve the peace and privacy of the central part of the library respecting the more playful area but from both are allowed to exit the park. We permit to have a dynamic space with a double function for the reading room like also a civic hall, exposition area or for representations in relation with an outside auditorium. Adjacent to the window and this multifunctional space are also placed containers of sessions where you can have different types of reading room; while in contrast there are shelves and tables for the typical reading area. Linked to this is the archive with small space-required deliveries.
Part of reading room is the multimedia area. Thinking of a dual site you'll find a more traditional area with tables and monitor while the remainder is made up of terraces on which to sit and stand in a more comfortable and casual with the possibility to consult magazines, contained in the steps, and have their own computer.
From the entrance hall leads to the offices directly connected to the archive always based in the hypogeal part of the building. Next to the archive is the area dedicated to the library and the main reading room. Opposite there is an open space where children can have fun or where they can read the first few stories. In this room there is also a raised area near the window where you can sit, play or have a small exhibition.
The aim of the project is to have a different way of using space both inside and outside the Library. We also give the possibility to have a different point of view from upper garden, lower garden and from the reading area.

Having an upper and a lower access to the Library, we design a multiple use of the space any time and occasion. From the lobby all the different functional areas of the building are around the entrance. From outside there is also a ramp and a staircase that connects the two level of park. The accessibility and internal and external paths are therefore a strength of the project because it makes it distinctive, and especially well integrated into the landscape and park design.

At the base of the project there is also the condition that we want to offer comfort achieved through features of the building.
After an analysis of the project area we design a passive building, oriented along the north-west / south-west line, with no loss of heat but at the same time with systems circulation and air exchange that allows artificial ventilation. The insulating part of the walls is the most important in combination with a reinforced concrete structure lightened are coated on the outside of Corten steel.
The technical rooms in the external volume side contain a controlled ventilation system that distributes the heat below the external staircase. This system with cross-flow heat exchangers recover heat vent and release clean air.
Another busy area in the utility room is a ventilation system with heat recovery fueled engine with high efficiency. The hot air output is fed into a heat exchanger to flow, where the cold air inlet receives the heat and the air supply is then fed back into the rest of the house.
In order to maximize the removal of heat and acoustic comfort is introduced a system of mechanical ventilation.
The remaining small energy requirements is produced with a small heat pump.
Finally, we place the highest volumes of photovoltaic completely intercept the solar radiation which is stored in the accumulator.

Finally the project proposals are improve the park’s context making a connection between them (the upper and the lower one), a new design of the exterior areas and the add of the Public Library. The books (volumes), laying on the ground, make the body of this new service: the books become library.

project info:
location: BRIOSCO, ITALY
built area: 400 m²
project year: 2014
architects: Armando Balducci, twosix
project team: Armando Balducci, Angelo Balducci, Manuel Tonati, Claudia Di Emidio, Giorgia Davini, Giulia Vano
structural designer: twosix
images: twosix

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