The world of industrial commodities is full of designs created by nameless authors. Many FSB handle models also fall into this category. This does not mean that they should be disregarded, since many originate from our own old masters of anonymous industrial design. For example, from Johannes Potente, whose classic handles you will not only find on doors in your neighbourhood, but also in the permanent collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art. Or from his successor, our present FSB in-house designer Hartmut Weise, whose designs for our company yield real hits on a regular basis.
David Chipperfield designs for FSB:
It was primarily the wish to fit his buildings with hardware that articulates and, indeed, augments the philosophy underpinning his architectural practice that led David Chipperfield to author handles of his own. Notwithstanding the plethora of products already on the market, it has been shown that the above aim can only be put to effect by designing a handle of one’s own that can be used in both residential and “project” schemes. Chipperfield’s design for FSB is informed by the precursors of Modernism as well as by the philosophy of one Ludwig Wittgenstein, and champions the same logical clarity.